biennial Caryophyllaceae Dianthus flowers garden grow nature petals pink red summer sweet William appearance blooming blooms bouquet bunch Carnation carnations color colored colors colour coloured colours cultivar dianthus-caryophyllus distinctive flower fragrant garden-plant gift heavenly-flower herbaceous love peace perennial plant plants scent scented symbol symbolic symbolism aroma attractive bloom colorful colourful dianthus-barbatus edible flora floral foliage fragrance garden-flower green greenery hardy horticultural horticulture leaves light pink-and-white sweet-williams barbatus beach carnation blossom close up closeup sweet william autumn Golan Heights Israel natural wild beauty bud small background England english frilly Great Britain many multitude profusion texture white

search result for Dianthus (15)

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7 1 grade account_circle Dianthus flowers
6 1 grade account_circle Dianthus flowers
6 1 grade account_circle pink carnations4
3 0 grade account_circle pink carnations3
18 3 grade account_circle pink carnations1
3 0 grade account_circle pink carnations2
4 1 grade account_circle pink & white dianthus
18 1 grade account_circle Dianthus barbatus
3 1 grade account_circle Wild carnations
6 0 grade account_circle Sweet William
3 0 grade account_circle Frilly white flowers
15 0 grade account_circle Garden pinks
0 0 grade account_circle Flowers of Beauty
1 1 grade account_circle Flowers of Beauty
2 0 grade account_circle colour contrast1
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