bird domesticated farm feather Galliformes guinea fowl pintarde spots spotted beak grass grassland groundcover phasianidae terrestrial animal Turkey Wild turkey England english feisty fowl game Gamebird Great Britain male Phasianus colchicus red Ring-necked pheasant black-breasted bright-red bright-red-comb-and-wattle chicken chicken-coop chicken-run chook cock colorful colors colourful colours comb coppery dandy fancy farmyard feathers landfowl large nature poultry Rooster spurs strutting tail wattle white-tail appearance beard big birds caruncles color colored colour coloured dewlap display displaying distinctive domestic-turkey domesticated-turkey fleshy-protuberance gobble gobbler gobbling meleagris meleagris-gallopavo plumage protuberance snood stag tail-feathers tom variations varieties variety white filtered paint painted painting broad-breasted-bronze-tom

search result for Galliformes (8)

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5 0 grade account_circle Guinea fowl
1 0 grade account_circle Turkey
4 1 grade account_circle Pheasant
0 2 grade account_circle ruling the roost2
4 0 grade account_circle talking turkey7
3 0 grade account_circle talking turkey6
3 1 grade account_circle ruling the roost2p3s
8 1 grade account_circle talking turkey2
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