animal avian barn Barn Owl Barnyard Owl beak big bird birding birds brown captive carnivore carnivorous Cave Owl Church Owl close closeup Common Barn Owl Death Owl Delicate Owl Demon Owl Dobby Owl Eastern Barn-owl eat eerie eye face falconry feather feathery feeding fierce flesh flight fluffy fly forage Ghost Owl Golden Owl green hawk Hissing Owl Hobby Owl Hobgoblin hunter hunting Incredible India India karnataka Look Mangalore Monkey-faced Owl nature night Night Owl nocturnal owl owls pet Pilikula plumage predator prey Rat Owl red Screech Owl Scritch Owl sharp show Silver Owl Stone Owl Straw Owl talons Tyto alba white White Owl wild wildlife winged wings wisdom wise baby Barnyard Owl and Delicate Owl brood chick chicks Hobgoblin or Hobby Owl nest nesting young Young ones angles appearance color colored coloring colors colour coloured colouring colours contrast dark decorated decoration decorations decorative design designed detailed display distinctive fixtures glass golden interior internal lamp light light-fittings light-fixtures lighting lighting-arrangement lights ornamental ornamentation pattern patterned perspectives shape shaped shine style surface surfaces varied

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92 2 grade account_circle Barn Owl
39 3 grade account_circle Barn Owl brood
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