arid barren blue cloud desert dry Israel Judean landscape natural nature rocky sere sky stark yellow harsh hills hot Jerusalem wadi wilderness Judea mount rock.limestone severe plants sparse vegetation xerophytes animal bedouin chained domesticated donkey Harness hoof hooves mammal saddle stony transport brown contours Dead Sea folds limestone mountains rock rugged Azazel cyclists

search result for Judean (26)

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25 1 grade account_circle Desert sky
7 0 grade account_circle Desert
4 0 grade account_circle Desert
11 1 grade account_circle Desert
7 0 grade account_circle Desert
19 1 grade account_circle Israel desert
4 0 grade account_circle Desert
3 0 grade account_circle Israel donkey
9 1 grade account_circle Israel desert
13 3 grade account_circle Israel desert
11 1 grade account_circle Israel desert
5 0 grade account_circle Desert with nomad dwellings
9 1 grade account_circle Israel desert
4 0 grade account_circle Israel desert
5 0 grade account_circle Israel desert
4 0 grade account_circle Israel desert
3 1 grade account_circle Israel desert
3 0 grade account_circle Israel desert
7 0 grade account_circle Israel camels
4 0 grade account_circle Israel camels
7 0 grade account_circle Desert monastery
3 0 grade account_circle Israel desert
2 0 grade account_circle Israel desert gorge
2 0 grade account_circle Desert monastery
5 0 grade account_circle Desert monastery
6 2 grade account_circle Desert monastery
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