autumn color colour England english fall Great Britain Kensington Gardens lake leisure London park parkland pleasure pond trees water amber gold natural nature yellow Albert architecture attraction centrepiece decorative gardens Kensington landmark memorial monument ornamental pomp sculpture statue steps tourist tower Victorian dais figure tourist attraction arch pillar Castanea chestnut path shadow sunlight trunk walk people stroll tourists silhouette Asia elephant group sit stand stone

search result for Kensington Gardens (14)

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10 1 grade account_circle London park in autumn
7 0 grade account_circle London park in autumn
3 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
1 1 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
3 2 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - centrepiece
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - centrepiece
6 0 grade account_circle London park in autumn
7 0 grade account_circle London park in autumn
10 3 grade account_circle London park in autumn
2 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - statues
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - statues
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - statues
0 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - statues
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