antarctica clouds coast day ice icebreaker landscape McMurdo Midnight Sun ocean sea seascape ship sky snow South Pole summer ice transport voyage civilization mount outpost peace polar quiet science scientist solitude summer town walk cold frozen memorial monument mountains plaque Ross Sea sailor statue sun village winter Antactica bird icy lava McMurdo Station Ross Ice Shelf skua SouthPole water building cross garden history hut land Scott structure lanscape mountain volcano cargo convoy night supply coastline person rock seal

search result for McMurdo (8)

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8 0 grade account_circle McMurdo, behind dark hill
11 1 grade account_circle Civilization, Finally!
5 0 grade account_circle SeaBee Memorial
8 0 grade account_circle Antarctica
4 0 grade account_circle Point at McMurdo
78 4 grade account_circle Mt. Erebus Antarctica
46 1 grade account_circle Convoy
10 0 grade account_circle Memorial Point
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