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0 0 grade account_circle foundation construction work3
1 0 grade account_circle foundation construction work7
4 1 grade account_circle foundation construction work1
6 1 grade account_circle foundation construction work2
5 0 grade account_circle foundation construction work6
2 0 grade account_circle foundation construction work5
1 0 grade account_circle foundation construction work4
7 0 grade account_circle foundation construction work9
2 0 grade account_circle concrete work 18
19 1 grade account_circle concrete work 17
16 1 grade account_circle concrete work 16
10 0 grade account_circle concrete work 15
11 0 grade account_circle concrete work 14
11 0 grade account_circle concrete work 13
17 1 grade account_circle concrete work 12
15 0 grade account_circle concrete work 11
29 3 grade account_circle concrete work 10
20 0 grade account_circle concrete work 7
18 1 grade account_circle concrete work 9
8 1 grade account_circle concrete work 8
8 0 grade account_circle concrete work 5
7 0 grade account_circle concrete work 6
12 2 grade account_circle concrete work 4
37 2 grade account_circle concrete work 1
64 3 grade account_circle concrete pour6
48 2 grade account_circle concrete pour5
17 0 grade account_circle concrete pour4
90 5 grade account_circle paint in the mix1
1 0 grade account_circle multicolored multi bubbles1
11 0 grade account_circle brown abstract pattern
12 0 grade account_circle brown abstract pattern
6 1 grade account_circle multicolored bubble balls2
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0 0 grade account_circle multicolored bubble balls1
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