activities ascend ascending belayer belaying boy chalk chalk bag climb climber climbing climbing harness climbing rock climbing rope climbing technique climbing wall competition danger descend descending equipment give outdoor sport risk rock rock climbing shoes safety safety harness self-confidence shaped climbing holds sport structure surface take Tension trust work-life-balance accessible architectural architecture brick-walled bright building buildings community community-hall corrugated-roof corrugations cream-bricks dunny fenceless grass grassed land-lot light loo maintained meeting-hall mown-grass open-area outdoor-toilet outhouse painted privy property public-area public-toilet rural rural-area rural-township small stand-alone toilet trees woman blue chained-gate corrugated-roofs corrugated-rooves corrugated-walls gate gated Returned-and-Services-League RSL sky white white-washed-façade background brick brick wall mortar texture wall advertisement advertising billboard decay grunge outdoor poster promotion arranged available contained conveniences decorated decorative doors essential event-preparation fiberglass fibreglass function in-use lockable loos molded moulded moveable outdoors portable public public-conveniences public-toilets shape shaped shapes signs structures style surfaces surfacing toilets WCs

search result for Outdoor structure (48)

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5 0 grade account_circle free climbing
1 0 grade account_circle meeting place4
4 0 grade account_circle free climbing 3
2 0 grade account_circle meeting place2
1 0 grade account_circle meeting place1
31 1 grade account_circle brick wall outdoor
86 2 grade account_circle billboard
0 0 grade account_circle portable essentials
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