appearance appetisers appetizers caraway caraway-seeds casein cheese cheeses coagulation dairy-food dutch Edam fat finger-food flavor flavored flavoring flavour flavoured flavouring food gouda kaas Leyden milk-fat milk-product milk-protein proteins salted salty savory savoury shapes slice snack-food snacks taste tasty various-shapes wedge abstract background blocks candies candy compressed cube cubed cubes cut edible energy fruit fun-food health-food high-energy mixture quantity shape shaped size snack food strawberry strawberry flavored strawberry flavoured sugar sugar-coated surfaces sweet tasteful textures wallpaper baked bread brown bun buns finger-foods firm home-baked home-made ingredients multigrain nibbles nibblies roll rose-shaped savory bread savoury bread sliced slices snack soft texture textured underside appetiser appetizer cooked dressing h'orderves holland horderves hors d'oeuvres horse-shoe-shape meal meat pork rookworst round rounded sauce sauerkraut sausage savory-sausage savoury-sausage spiced spices vegetable winter appearances aubergine berry brinjal color colour cultivars droplets drops eggplant elongated elongated-oval-shaped glossy guinea-squash healthy melongene moist moisture nightshades nutritional oval-shaped perishable purple smooth Solanaceae Solanum-melongena spongy-texture sprayed surface variations variety vegetarian wet

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