aglow appearance appearances beauty carvings chandeliers crystal expensive glass glowing golden lights plastic reflections transparency transparent value wealth background beaded beads bedside bedside lamp bedside light chandelier chandelier-like dangling Designs lamp lampshade light patterns reflective shapes textures adaptable aloof carnivorous cat collar comfort comfortable companionable domestic domesticated felid feline felis catus ginger glow house cat independent indoors inside looking down lounge lounging mammal pet popular resting sleeping sleepy social tabby warm whiskers books paper papers paperwork color colored colorful colors colour coloured colourful colours dark dark center dark centre delicate display displayed flora flowers garden garden flower nature peace peaceful petals plants pointed points purple purple heart quality shade shadows soft sunlight texture white yellow above angles coloring colouring contrast decorated decoration decorations decorative design detailed distinctive energy fixtures height high interior internal lamp-post lamppost light-fittings light-fixtures lighting lighting-arrangement ornamental ornamentation pattern perspectives shape shaped shine style surface surfaces varied

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10 0 grade account_circle chandeliers
12 0 grade account_circle bedside chandelier
4 0 grade account_circle sleepy lounge cat
5 0 grade account_circle sleepy lounge cat
11 0 grade account_circle tiring book & paper work
18 0 grade account_circle tiring book & paper work
10 0 grade account_circle golden glow contrast
11 1 grade account_circle golden glow contrast
23 1 grade account_circle aglow in the dark1
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