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11 0 grade account_circle No skating
16 3 grade account_circle No music
4 0 grade account_circle No dogs allowed
8 0 grade account_circle No bicycles
23 0 grade account_circle No dogs allowed
5 0 grade account_circle No bikes
4 0 grade account_circle No bikes
20 1 grade account_circle Traffic Sign 9
30 0 grade account_circle Traffic Sign 8
19 1 grade account_circle Traffic Sign 7
12 0 grade account_circle Traffic Sign 24
36 0 grade account_circle Leash
16 0 grade account_circle Camera allowed
5 0 grade account_circle surf?
14 0 grade account_circle swim?
23 0 grade account_circle swim?
22 0 grade account_circle no restriction
37 3 grade account_circle No
55 2 grade account_circle Yes
2 0 grade account_circle no standing
13 0 grade account_circle Traffic Sign 26
8 0 grade account_circle No Diving
2 1 grade account_circle No rock-walking
1 0 grade account_circle no parking
9 0 grade account_circle don't feed the birds
3 0 grade account_circle feedback welcome2
4 0 grade account_circle feedback welcome
2 0 grade account_circle no touting
5 0 grade account_circle no touting
1 0 grade account_circle no dogs allowed
42 0 grade account_circle no smoking
5 0 grade account_circle polite no
0 0 grade account_circle sitting only
5 0 grade account_circle sitting only
0 0 grade account_circle no dumping
0 0 grade account_circle no dumping2
37 2 grade account_circle no spitting
0 1 grade account_circle Parking disk
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18 0 grade account_circle no smoking
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