angel colors colours crowd figure figures group pawn pawns people religion shapes ancient architecture art christian church classic craft decoration decorative figurine handcraft handicraft historic old organ ornament ornaments playing plays religious stucco wings angel-figures angelic angels appearance aspects background bright christmas color colored colour coloured contrast contrasting decorations display displayed distinctive faith figurines heavenly-messengers light meaning miniatures Nativity ornamental patterns perspectives presentation shape shaped story surface surfaces table tabletop texture textured textures vibrant abstract blue business cartoon concept copyspace employees friends gay graphic illustration male man men merger pair pictogram priest relationship represent sign stand stand up statistics symbol symbolic together twins two vector boss census ceo cooperation dez pain difference harmony head individualism leadership management odd man out opinion red stand out three triad trio xymonau book china flute god Good heaven little porcelain putto white baby belief Bethlehem birth card cards christ christianity december eve family Geruth Geruth Kimham holiday holy isolated jesus joseph Kimham king love manger mary nativities night peace protection savior scene shepherd stable x-mas xmas

search result for angel-figures (10)

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34 0 grade account_circle guardian angel
4 0 grade account_circle angel plays an organ
1 1 grade account_circle Christmas angel depictions1
30 0 grade account_circle Two Men
43 1 grade account_circle Three Men
8 1 grade account_circle China angels 4
14 0 grade account_circle China angels 2
28 0 grade account_circle China angels 1
73 4 grade account_circle Christmas scene
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