ancient Angkor Angkor-Wat angles appearance approach archaeological archaeology cambodia color colors colour colours contrast contrasting craftsmanship cultural culture design entrance heritage historical history mixture moat monument old paved pavement paving perspectives reflections shaped stones stonework style surfaces temple-complex textured textures walkway water weathered blocks path paving-blocks pitted rough solid surface building ruins sculpted structure tourism window-frames windows courtyard grass green sepia tourists people trees dancers angry apocalyptic approaching storm black blue bright brilliant cloud clouds colorful colourful dark darkening disturbing dramatic dusk evening fiery flaming gold foreboding frightening glory gold golden light lighting molten skies moody setting sun shadows shining silhouette silhouettes skies sky southern spreading storm storm clouds stormy sun sunset

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1 0 grade account_circle Angkor approach4gs
0 0 grade account_circle Angkor approach4
2 0 grade account_circle Angkor approach3
1 0 grade account_circle Angkor approach2
8 1 grade account_circle ancient pavement4B
1 0 grade account_circle ancient pavement1
2 0 grade account_circle ancient windows1
2 0 grade account_circle temple courtyard2
5 0 grade account_circle courtyard tourists1
2 0 grade account_circle ancient windows2
56 1 grade account_circle cloud formations
2 0 grade account_circle temple steps1
22 0 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
25 0 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
42 2 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
28 0 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
10 0 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
34 2 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
31 0 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
23 2 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
16 0 grade account_circle sombre southern sunset series
4 0 grade account_circle darkening sunset skies2
26 2 grade account_circle cloud formations
40 1 grade account_circle cloud formations
37 1 grade account_circle cloud formations
52 0 grade account_circle cloud formations
21 1 grade account_circle cloud formations
7 0 grade account_circle temple passageway4
5 0 grade account_circle temple passageway5
2 0 grade account_circle temple passageway6
14 0 grade account_circle temple passageway3
56 1 grade account_circle Approaching Storm
65 2 grade account_circle Approaching Storm
7 0 grade account_circle Approaching islands
14 0 grade account_circle Garden approach
15 0 grade account_circle Bad Weather approaching
7 0 grade account_circle window on approaching fire
55 2 grade account_circle Storm clouds
10 0 grade account_circle Reflection of Autumn
4 0 grade account_circle Churche dome
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