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12 0 grade account_circle airport tarmac2
5 0 grade account_circle local market44
5 0 grade account_circle local market43
6 0 grade account_circle local market45
7 0 grade account_circle local market20
7 0 grade account_circle local market21
6 2 grade account_circle local market18
11 2 grade account_circle local market19
3 1 grade account_circle local market17
9 0 grade account_circle local market24
4 0 grade account_circle local market12a
9 0 grade account_circle local market2b
4 0 grade account_circle local market59
6 0 grade account_circle local market58
10 0 grade account_circle local market57
2 0 grade account_circle spring tulips23
2 0 grade account_circle spring tulips24
1 0 grade account_circle spring tulips26
1 0 grade account_circle spring tulips19
0 0 grade account_circle spring tulips18
0 0 grade account_circle spring tulips22
1 0 grade account_circle spring tulips27
0 0 grade account_circle spring tulips25
0 0 grade account_circle spring tulips21
8 1 grade account_circle ancient pavement4B
1 0 grade account_circle ancient pavement1
6 0 grade account_circle African Penguin
7 0 grade account_circle African Penguin
11 0 grade account_circle coming together
8 0 grade account_circle coming together
2 0 grade account_circle dining out30
44 7 grade account_circle Winter-crop
137 2 grade account_circle Sailor Moon 4
16 0 grade account_circle baubles and beads
1400 46 grade account_circle shell on the beach
68 0 grade account_circle on the road - traffic stop
16 2 grade account_circle Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Mu
32 1 grade account_circle Alone
11 0 grade account_circle Satellite reciever
24 0 grade account_circle local market48
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