authenticity Buddhist evening japan kiyomizu kyoto silhouette sunset temple alarm authentic china drum ethnic gorge gorges ling rural village Xi Xiling Yangtze admin administrator authentication badge conference corporate guest ID identification name nametag office pass tag visiteur visitor agricultural agriculture antique broken clouds country countryside crop cultivate cultivation equipment farm farmer farmstead field fluffy grain grass harvest hay homestead implement landscape machine machinery meadow metal animal backdrop background basic beige brown color colour crease fabric genuine hide leather leatherwork light light brown natural neutral pale plain simple skin smooth soft solid suede Tan taupe texture wallpaper architectural architecture Australia backyard bricks brickwork circular estate external heritage historic home house lawn Preserved property Renovated restoration restored round shadow sunlight sunshine wall water water-source well yard angles architectural-elements buildings chimney chimney-stack corrugated corrugated-iron corrugated-roofing heights high old patterns perspectives placement protection roof rooftop shape shapes style surface surfaces surfacing textured textures whitewashed chimney-stacks chimneys sepia shade shadows trees accommodation building corrugated-iron-roof cottage cottage-garden farmhouse garden garden-cottage residence roofing veranda verandah walls windows doors entrance painted posts railing green

search result for authenticity (17)

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26 4 grade account_circle ::kiyomizu temple::
10 0 grade account_circle big drum
104 2 grade account_circle name tag
20 0 grade account_circle Old farm machinery
39 2 grade account_circle leather texture
1 0 grade account_circle historic homestead11
0 0 grade account_circle historic homestead5
1 0 grade account_circle historic homestead4sp
1 0 grade account_circle historic homestead7
1 0 grade account_circle historic homestead3
1 0 grade account_circle historic homestead2
0 0 grade account_circle historic homestead1
0 0 grade account_circle historic homestead10
1 0 grade account_circle historic homestead9
14 0 grade account_circle Korean Constitution
2 0 grade account_circle Wooden Bread Mold
16 3 grade account_circle ::the golden pavilion:: 1
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