animal beak bird black brown bubo carnivore color eagle eating Eurasian european eye falconry feather flight fly green halloween home horned hunt hunter isolated large natural nature night nocturnal old orange owl plumage portrait pray predator predatory prey raptor symbol talons tree white wild wildlife wings wise Africa african avian balearica beautiful beauty blue close-up colorful conservation crane crest crested crown crowned face fauna gold grass gray grey head looking national neck ornithology park red regulorum safari savanna wattle wing black-breasted bright-red bright-red-comb-and-wattle chicken chicken-coop chicken-run chook cock colors colourful colours comb coppery dandy fancy farmyard feathers filtered fowl Galliformes landfowl male paint painted painting phasianidae poultry Rooster spurs strutting tail white-tail ater background birdwatching branch coal ecology feathered focused forest habitat lichen limb little moss parus periparus season singing sitting small soft songbird stick tiny tit trunk twig wilderness winged wood zoology beach blackfooted boulders cape closeup creature critter down exterior flight-less flightless footed free image lying maroon outdoor outdoors outside penguin photo photograph picture refuge relax relaxation relaxing resource rest rested resting somadjinn south stock town waterbird cage caged captive captivity contrast eyes falco falcon of peregrine peregrinus reserve sanctuary scene sepia shadow shadows yellow zoo astaxanthin banded black-wingtips brilliant-scarlet-coloration carotenoid distinctive eudocimus-ruber exotic-bird forager ibis large-toed long-legged long-narrow-decurved-bill long-necked mangrove-tree-nesting prolific red-pigmentation scarlet-ibis South-American species threskiornithidae-family tropical wader water-bird

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93 5 grade account_circle Phoenix dark
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4 0 grade account_circle Australian Pelican
4 0 grade account_circle Australian Pelican
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85 7 grade account_circle Owls
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