azure blue Brackish water lake breath taking brilliant clean clear colors crystal hues Incredible India India krayker Ladakh lake mountains Pangong lake pebbles pristine pure rocks waters panorama pool travel bay beach buildings city fisher island Florida lights metropolis Miami Miami beach night ocean sea south Beach usa animal animals beast bovine brute Bubalus bubalis dairy farm fury Kadri Kambala Kambala Kambla Kamblathe livestock Mangalore Hobali Kambala power race rage speed splash strength water Water Buffalo

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41 0 grade account_circle Pangong Lake
27 2 grade account_circle Pangong Lake
23 0 grade account_circle Pangong Lake - Panorama
25 0 grade account_circle Pangong Lake - Panorama
6 0 grade account_circle Travel in the Himalayas
5 0 grade account_circle Travel in the Himalayas
73 2 grade account_circle Miami at night 2
46 2 grade account_circle Miami at night 1
4 0 grade account_circle Speed
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