bank bronze budget business coin coins crisis economy financial glow gold loss money pay profit salary save saving savings treasure cash earn payment poor rich round wage wages background bright cloud disk end of day fire golden hot orb ring of fire silhouette sky sun sunset trees announcement authority brass communication copper alloy declaration govern government in-charge notice notification plaque polished power rule sign word ancient architecture Congress of Deputies door elements historical knobs madrid metal old opulent panels Spain spanish wealth attractive bathing-suit beach beautiful blonde breast care female girl glasses legs lying pretty sea sex sexy skin sunny balls button circle effects flower flowers glass glass ball graphics icon icons leaf leaves plant play transparent wallpaper art bronze sculpture buddha decoration decorative figurine god Indian indian god figurine place of worship Religious institute sculpture statue temple christ christianity crucifixion Easter Good Friday jesus lord sacrifice servant of God Son of God statuette suffering The Passion Australian bar shouldered dove bird colors colours dove fauna Geopelia humeralis grass grey native nature spectacular tiny wild

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53 0 grade account_circle Coins 2
64 1 grade account_circle Coins
18 0 grade account_circle Sunset II
21 1 grade account_circle Sunset I
20 0 grade account_circle in charge
13 3 grade account_circle Golden Door
49 1 grade account_circle beach
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31 1 grade account_circle Mexico City scenes 8
23 0 grade account_circle Mexico City scenes 10
18 1 grade account_circle Mexico City scenes 12
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