aggressive-root-system banyan banyan-tree buttress-roots buttressed-root-system buttressing epiphyte evergreen feature-tree ficus ficus-macrophylla invasive-roots massive massive-trunk Moreton-Bay-fig-tree public-parks rainforest-plant shade shady strangler-fig tree tremendous-size adventure boys climb climbing fun root-network root-system Roots surface surfaces textured textures thick thin uneven architecture building buttress buttressed buttresses christian church circle community concreted cross Darlington laterite doorway encircled encircled cross faith façade fellowship fitted former façade heritage historic inter-War Gothic style laterite local stone Luheran members Northbridge painted pattern patterns Perth picturesque popular random randomly coursed rock rocks sealed shadow shadow of a cross shape shapes significant St John’s stone stucco traditional unused weddings windows worship arched arched windows angles appearance arches architectural Australian brick church building bricks brickwork circular construction craftsmanship dirty exterior historical history old ornamentation potted plants religious roof roofing Sacred side-wall style texture vents wall castle England english facade flower garden Great Britain Hampshire path plant shingle Winchester window religion rural spire steeple Surrey tiles door entrance gate dam Elan Valley hills hold landmark landscape reservoir retain road tower wales water welsh arch barrier closed exit locked rivet rivets safe safety sandstone secure security shut strong stronghold

search result for buttressing (39)

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9 1 grade account_circle spreadout buttressed tree2
11 1 grade account_circle trees are for climbing1
2 0 grade account_circle spreading on the surface2
4 0 grade account_circle stone architecture
3 0 grade account_circle sealed entrance
4 0 grade account_circle side wall
0 0 grade account_circle Castle garden
1 0 grade account_circle Surrey church
1 0 grade account_circle Surrey church
4 1 grade account_circle Old dam road
2 0 grade account_circle Castle doors
3 0 grade account_circle Castle doors
1 0 grade account_circle Old church
4 0 grade account_circle Water tower
9 1 grade account_circle Water tower
6 0 grade account_circle Water tower
2 1 grade account_circle Abbey
1 0 grade account_circle Surrey church
1 1 grade account_circle Old church
0 0 grade account_circle Old church
1 0 grade account_circle Old church
2 0 grade account_circle Dam cascade
12 0 grade account_circle English Church
2 1 grade account_circle Old church
2 0 grade account_circle Dam cascade
1 0 grade account_circle Abbey facade
5 0 grade account_circle Abbey door
2 0 grade account_circle Royal chapel
11 0 grade account_circle Royal chapel
12 0 grade account_circle English church
1 0 grade account_circle Old church
1 0 grade account_circle Old barn
0 0 grade account_circle Old barn
6 0 grade account_circle Church entrance
7 2 grade account_circle Old street lamp
5 0 grade account_circle Royal chapel
6 0 grade account_circle English Church
2 1 grade account_circle Old church
7 0 grade account_circle English Church
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