Arabian brown bushy eyebrows calf camel camel wool camelids camelus dromedarius coat cow curly eye lashes domesticated dromedary efficient endurance even-toed ungulate fawn feral hair hardy hump leathery pads mammals molt molting moult moulting Ships of the Desert strength strong tough two-toed ungulates wool woolly animals bushy-eyebrows camel-wool camelus-dromedarius curly-eye-lashes even-toed-ungulate leathery-pads Ships-of-the-Desert ear eye fauna head lead lip lying-down mammal neck resting sand sandy snout straps straw tack tired Ungulate Weary Asian-elephant boulder brisles bristly Calves captive electric-fence elephant elephant-hide elephant-side elephants elephas-maximus fence fenced-in hairy herbivore Indian-elephant large largest-terrestrial-mammal play playful pushing rock rocks skin sociable texture textures tree-trunks trunk wiry wrinkled wrinkles young youngsters zoo african broad-mouthed collagen creases endangered flat-mouthed folds gray grazer grey heavy herbivorous hide horns junior keratin lattice-structured megafauna mother odd-toed-ungulate offspring perissodactyl placid powerful rhino rhinoceros southern-white-rhinoceros square-lipped rhinoceros thick threatened white rhinoceros wide-lipped rhinoceros youngster

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12 0 grade account_circle camel carpetting
3 1 grade account_circle camel company3b
14 0 grade account_circle camel time
14 0 grade account_circle camel time
10 0 grade account_circle camel time
25 0 grade account_circle camel time
0 0 grade account_circle weary camel calf1
2 0 grade account_circle young and wrinkled3b
0 0 grade account_circle young and wrinkled2b
4 0 grade account_circle young and wrinkled1b
9 0 grade account_circle close to mother6
11 0 grade account_circle close to mother5
39 1 grade account_circle close to mother3
8 0 grade account_circle close to mother7
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11 0 grade account_circle close to mother1
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