art artistic artwork Asian ceramics China-shop chinaware chinese colored colors coloured colours containers crockery decorated decorative Designs detailed display displayed distinctive for-sale glazed glazing jars ornamental patterns pots raised-glazing ready-for-purchase selection shaped shapes shop shopping Sizes stool store style surface surfaces surfacing tactile texture textured textures urns varieties vases ceramic clay coloring colouring container cooling external fired firing glaze hand-made hand-shaped high-heat kiln lead-glazes low-firing oxidization porous pot potter pottery raku-pottery raku-ware rapid-cooling stoneware-clay table-pad tableware technique traditional traditional-Japanese-pottery unique-techniques unpredictable variable vessel internal auspicious lions ball building guard carved colorful colourful cultural culture decorative stone dragon dragons external guard footpath fortune fu lions good fortune guard guardian lions lion dogs lions of Buddha luck male marble one of a pair path paw on a ball rui shi stone symbol symbolic temple lions tiled wall wealth arabica aroma backdrop background bean beans bedtime beverage bistrol brazil brazilian break breakfast brew brown cafe caffeine cappuccino catering china chocolate cocoa coffee coffeecup colombian cup darjeeling delicious design earl espresso flavor flavour fluid fluids fresh gourmet graphic grey hot illustration Indian instant java Kenya kenyan latte liquid mocha nightcap saucer steaming sugar tasty tea teacup weirdvis christmas decoration holiday snow snowman winter fill space floor orange red tile caramic cut Easter figurine hare hares isolated sepia spring stauette white background back mottled rough white

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1 0 grade account_circle in a china shop1
0 0 grade account_circle rough raku fired pot1
0 0 grade account_circle rough raku fired pot3
0 0 grade account_circle rough raku fired pot2
5 0 grade account_circle dragon walk wall
177 4 grade account_circle Luv a Cuppa
125 6 grade account_circle Luv a Cuppa 2
0 0 grade account_circle Snowman
71 2 grade account_circle Floor Tile Front
22 1 grade account_circle Easter hares
7 2 grade account_circle Floor Tile Back
20 0 grade account_circle Coffee Roast
14 0 grade account_circle Coffee Roast
8 0 grade account_circle Coffee Roast
11 0 grade account_circle Coffee Roast
8 0 grade account_circle Coffee Roast
5 0 grade account_circle Coffee Roast
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