autumn berries berry black bryony bush countryside Dioscorea communis England english fall fruit Great Britain hawthorn natural nature poisonous red ripening Surrey wild ancient artificial bare.bleak barren cliff desert dry escarpment exercise harsh historical Israel landscape Massada old rock rocky roman sere siege slope tour group tourism tourists walk line trail Trek advice alert announcement appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour aware awareness care careful caution communicating communication considerate consideration danger directions fence informing lettering letters sign signs warning white wording words abstract background barrier bolders boulders color colour constructed cover covered fitted fitting large limestone local-stone mortar mound perspectives random randomly-coursed retaining-rocks rocks rough rugged secure security shade shadows shaped shapes sharp solid stone stone-walled stones stonework strength strong sunlight sunshine surface surfaced surfaces texture textures uneven variations variety

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1 0 grade account_circle Wild autumn berries
5 0 grade account_circle Siege slope
4 0 grade account_circle Tour group
3 0 grade account_circle Tour group
1 0 grade account_circle fenced in
2 1 grade account_circle limestone rocks mound1
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