animal Asia beast bos-taurus bovine Bristles brown cattle cloven-hooved common cow cud-chewing dairy-cow domesticated fawn grazer hair head herbivore hide individual livestock mammal nature nose nostrils quadruped quiet ruminant snout solitary texture textured textures Ungulate whiskers control Ears eating eye folds grass grazing greenery horns landscape leg moving neck plants rural-area weeds ground hump lying-down reclining resting restraining restraint ropes tethered cruel cruelty dehorned disbudded eyes green large mistreatment nasal nose-rope painful path pierced pierced-septum strap working-animal wrinkled boys cheeky daring

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1 0 grade account_circle quiet grazing1
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0 0 grade account_circle quiet grazing2
2 0 grade account_circle through the nose1
0 0 grade account_circle quiet grazing3
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