colonial style exclusive restaurant luxurious restaurant private room restaurant western restaurant abandoned bungalow closed closed-up empty fenced-off house neglected old Singapore unused angles appearances architectural architectural elements architecture Colonial colors colours contrast contrasting distinctive doors elements exterior external fire station glass high linear lines patterns perspectives red style sunlight tall textures views walls windows wooden coloring colouring craftsmanship creative decorative Designs heritage historic historical history light outside shapes solid stones stonework strong surface surfaces traditional variations wall adornment background building date dated dating decoration design details feature frontage masonry ornamental ornamentation quality shaped Victorian above architectural-elements city color colored colour coloured dark decorated designed façade features height masonic shade shadows shape sunshine greyscale monochrome arched arches cover covered picturesque

search result for colonial style (54)

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39 1 grade account_circle Restaurant
11 0 grade account_circle abandoned bungalow
11 0 grade account_circle red doors
0 0 grade account_circle historic stonework building1
0 0 grade account_circle concretely date stamped1
1 0 grade account_circle decorative colonial architectu
1 0 grade account_circle concretely date stamped2
2 1 grade account_circle decorative colonial architect4
0 0 grade account_circle decorative colonial architect2
0 0 grade account_circle decorative colonial architect3
0 0 grade account_circle decorative colonial architect1
0 0 grade account_circle colonial barracks3
0 0 grade account_circle tropical colonial architecture
2 0 grade account_circle tropical colonial architecture
2 0 grade account_circle colonial arches
1 0 grade account_circle upward angles3
0 0 grade account_circle upward angles2
3 0 grade account_circle historic fire station
22 1 grade account_circle historic fire station
0 0 grade account_circle colonial church architecture3
0 0 grade account_circle colonial church architecture2
0 0 grade account_circle colonial church architecture1
0 0 grade account_circle colonial barracks2
0 0 grade account_circle colonial barracks1
1 0 grade account_circle historic architectural angles1
5 1 grade account_circle building contrasts
14 0 grade account_circle Life in Cuba
22 1 grade account_circle Life in Cuba
19 0 grade account_circle Life in Cuba
25 0 grade account_circle Life in Cuba
31 0 grade account_circle Life in Cuba
23 0 grade account_circle Life in Cuba
9 0 grade account_circle Life in Cuba
17 0 grade account_circle Life in Cuba
1 0 grade account_circle historic brickwork2
0 0 grade account_circle construction contrast1
0 0 grade account_circle construction contrast4
1 0 grade account_circle construction contrast5
2 0 grade account_circle construction contrast3
3 0 grade account_circle iconic clock tower1
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