ambush-predators anaconda aquatic boa-constrictor capable-swimmer coil coiling common-anaconda constrict constricting constrictive crush crushing distinctive-color-pattern enclosure eunectes-murinus green-anaconda heaviest heavy-bodied-snake large long nocturnal rainforest reptile reptilian rivers shelter sheltered snake solitary squeeze squeezing variable-color-pattern water-boa ascend ascending constrain focus focused snail spiral stair staircase tunnel twist twisted between constrained constricted dordogne electric France french gantry line narrow rail railway suburban town track transport travel aerial-roots banyan banyan-tree columnar-tree competing competitive distinctive epiphytes external ficus fig growing growth power powerful root-system Roots strangle strangler strangler-fig strangling strength strong sub-tropical tree trees tropical clinging contrast contrasting creeper foliage greenery interconnected interlinked intertwined interwoven leaves light shadows shapes spread spreading sunlight sunshine surface surfaces vegetation vine wood woody

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1 2 grade account_circle green anaconda
76 1 grade account_circle Spiral Stair
3 0 grade account_circle Suburban railway line
28 2 grade account_circle struggle of 2 trees
8 0 grade account_circle intertwined1
1 0 grade account_circle banyan background1
1 0 grade account_circle banyan background2
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