agricultural agriculture Australia background blue blue sky brown bush canola cloud color country crop day Dirt farm farmland field green healthy landscape nature outdoor paddock peaceful photo photography plant rows rural scenery season sky Soil sunny timber tree winter young arable beautiful beauty cereal clouds countryside Dorset England english fields grain Great Britain Hod Hill light shadows summer sunlight tranquil trees view wheat eucalyptus grass horizontal pasture distance distant meadow natural oilseed rape refreshing rustic Sussex yellow hill panorama plain quality slope South Downs village woodland alone barley direction golden Hordeum horizon journey man one path person ripe single stroll track walk walking wander

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3 0 grade account_circle agriculture
7 0 grade account_circle agriculture
4 1 grade account_circle Summer landscape
7 1 grade account_circle agriculture
9 0 grade account_circle Blue and yellow landscape
14 1 grade account_circle Blue and yellow landscape
4 0 grade account_circle agriculture
5 1 grade account_circle transport
37 2 grade account_circle Green landscape
11 1 grade account_circle Walking through barley
16 0 grade account_circle Walking through barley
1 0 grade account_circle agriculture
6 0 grade account_circle agriculture
6 1 grade account_circle Farm track
7 1 grade account_circle Farm track
0 0 grade account_circle on agreen hill2
44 0 grade account_circle Soy
78 5 grade account_circle Agriculture
47 3 grade account_circle Agriculture
42 1 grade account_circle Cultivation
0 0 grade account_circle across the paddock1
0 0 grade account_circle across the paddock2
0 0 grade account_circle on agreen hill1
34 3 grade account_circle Wheat
25 1 grade account_circle Wheat
0 1 grade account_circle canola gold2
0 0 grade account_circle canola gold1
2 0 grade account_circle along the road1
0 0 grade account_circle horsing around25
0 0 grade account_circle horsing around28
0 0 grade account_circle horsing around19
0 0 grade account_circle horsing around23
1 0 grade account_circle horsing around4
0 0 grade account_circle horsing around5
3 1 grade account_circle horsing around8
0 0 grade account_circle horsing around10
0 0 grade account_circle horsing around12
0 0 grade account_circle horsing around13
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