abstract accretions accumulated accumulations coloration coloring colors colouring colours columns crystallisation crystallise crystallization crystallize deposits distinctive edge edges formation forms glassy layered layers levels light shape shaped shapes slow slow-growth slowly smooth surface surfaces texture textures unusual aged calcium-carbonate candle-shapes caves ceilings floors icicle-like minerals old Particles pillars pointed Singapore Stalactite stalactites stalagmites subterranean white colorful colourful creature crystallised crystallized dew dew drops fly hairy hairy plant leaves insect leaf moisture sucking wings abundance aromatic background bulk chopped cooked cooking cut food ginger lines plenty quantity ribbed round rounded seeds size snack food spices sugar sweet tasty wallpaper cave cavern caving compounds geological geology limestone mineral-deposits speleology speleothems spelunker spelunkering Underground

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2 0 grade account_circle crystalising layres
0 1 grade account_circle stalactite & stalagmite textr2
2 0 grade account_circle stalactite & stalagmite textr1
2 0 grade account_circle stalactite & stalagmite textr3
2 1 grade account_circle flying sucker
14 0 grade account_circle crystallised ginger
0 0 grade account_circle cave textures & light1
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