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22 2 grade account_circle frozen leaves2
8 0 grade account_circle ceramic angel
33 1 grade account_circle christmas bowl
54 4 grade account_circle sleeping late
74 0 grade account_circle shopping cart 3
29 0 grade account_circle orange bow
61 4 grade account_circle star candle
37 1 grade account_circle candle and flower 2
30 0 grade account_circle candle and flower 1
8 0 grade account_circle santa one
62 1 grade account_circle gold ribbon
44 3 grade account_circle colorful bows
27 0 grade account_circle blue bow2
20 1 grade account_circle christmas balls
40 1 grade account_circle christmas ball2
22 0 grade account_circle blue ball
70 3 grade account_circle silver bow
194 9 grade account_circle christmas card5
41 2 grade account_circle christmas tree2
105 5 grade account_circle golden red2
82 2 grade account_circle homemade cookies
157 7 grade account_circle present3
120 4 grade account_circle christmas card 3
78 4 grade account_circle christmas time6
111 6 grade account_circle christmas tree
36 1 grade account_circle golden bell
106 3 grade account_circle christmas ornament7
87 1 grade account_circle black&white4
29 2 grade account_circle present2
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45 0 grade account_circle christmas card 2
66 5 grade account_circle praying
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52 3 grade account_circle coffee3
62 0 grade account_circle pressure gauge
41 1 grade account_circle globe2
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51 2 grade account_circle christmas time2
24 1 grade account_circle santa
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