bloom blooming blooms blotched blotches Cistaceae cistus cistus-purpureus close close-up-flower closeup color colored colorful coloring colour coloured colourful colouring crimson-spot-rockrose cultivar dark-blotches drought-tolerant evergreen exotic flower flowering golden-center golden-centre graden-flower laudanum mediterranean orchid-rockrose papery pentamerous perennial petals pink pistils rockrose shrub stamens yellow-centered yellow-centred african background brown camelopard coat colors colours creamy lines dark design giraffe hair hide image light lines mammal megafauna mottled nature patches pattern patterned patterns rectangular spots rothschild's giraffe side skin Tan texture textures wallpaper white Australia carnivore carnivorous common fast forager goanna goulds-goanna goulds-monitor hunter large leathery lizard long-clawed loose-neck-folds loose-neck-skin monitor-lizard predator racehorse-goanna reptile reptilian sand-monitor terrestrial abstract backdrop coloration contrast fabric grunge grungy hue hues material old purple retro rough rustic scrapbooking scratches surface surfaced surfaces surfacing textured tones variation variations veined veins vintage blue antler-like-horns browser eating feeding herbivore herbivorous horns knobs long-necked long-tongued ruminant strong-tongued tallest

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0 0 grade account_circle papery & pink
31 0 grade account_circle giraffe skin tones
7 0 grade account_circle leathery lizard
1 0 grade account_circle grunge blotched background2
1 0 grade account_circle grunge blotched background1
9 0 grade account_circle high tea nibble
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