ACLS ambulance clinic controll diagnostics ecg electrodes green heartache hospital monitoring paramedics red yellow diagnose diagnosis diagnostic Doctor health healthcare ill illness medic medical medicine prescription receipt sick sickness stethoscope therapy treatment write doc ekg emotion feeling heart heart attack heart beat heartbeat prevention protection Rhythm stripe cancer check-up exam examination image imaging pregnancy scan scanning science technology ultrasound waves xray blood pressure cardiac device equipment health care instrument intensifier listen Medical instrument messuring pain pulse accuracy antigen check checking colloidal coronavirus covid-virus detection diagnostic-aid dropper drops home-use immunochromatographic-technology kit limitations limited lysis-buffer measuring-instrument nasal-secretion negative-result plastic quality-control-C-line rapid rectangular result sample sampling-tube self-testing test test-cassette testing extraction-reagent-tube nasal sterile-swab swab algae biology chloroplast filamentous helical magnification microscope spiral Spirogyra water Zygnematales

search result for diagnostics (10)

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23 4 grade account_circle ECG
39 1 grade account_circle You are ill 2
38 1 grade account_circle You are ill 1
52 2 grade account_circle Heart - ECG
37 0 grade account_circle Ultrasound Background
66 0 grade account_circle Stethoscope
0 1 grade account_circle Covid 19 home testing3
0 0 grade account_circle Covid 19 home testing1
0 0 grade account_circle Covid 19 home testing2
20 0 grade account_circle Spirogyra - microscopic view 3
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