background barrier catching color colour enmesh enmeshed fine fused gold layers light line lines mesh net netting nylon overlap overlapping overlay pull pulled shadows stretch stretched string strings thin abstract appearance blended interconnected intermeshed interwoven layered mesh bag meshed pattern patterned red red-mesh red-netting red-nylon-netting stringed surface texture textured textures variation wallpaper weave woven bag container foil golden mesh-bag attached ball buoy clinging fishing float floating held tight knots rope roped round shapes shells sides surrounded tied up backdrop bubbled bubbles fabric material protection purple raised strength strong uneven

search result for enmesh (6)

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11 0 grade account_circle enmeshed in gold
20 0 grade account_circle enmeshed in red
66 0 grade account_circle red mesh layers
2 0 grade account_circle meshed up
9 0 grade account_circle roped in
17 1 grade account_circle purple nylon fabric
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