angles appearance arched arches architecture art-glass artistic artistry building exterior color colored colored glass colorful colors colour coloured coloured glass colourful colours contrast craftsmanship decoration decorative design designed Designs elements exterior external frame framed glass light lighting lines patterned patterns perspectives shaped shapes stained-glass surface textured textures window window-surrounds architectural-elements building chinese coloring colouring decorated deteriorating distinctive exterior-shutters faded fading functional louver-blades louvered louvers louvre-blades louvred louvres neglected old ornamental ornamentation painted plantation-shutters protection shade shelter sheltered shuttered shutters traditional window-coverings window-frames window-shutters windows angled architectural Asian blue closed façade fixture rectangle rectangular shape shut style surfaces symmetrical symmetry wood wooden balcony black door exteriors fence home house residence residental roof villa villadom white curved curves stairway decking railing rails sloping stainless steel stairs stairway steps timber castle chateau fauna flora green hedge landscape neat ornamental outd outline outside park construction estate real residential stone structure trees yard background brick cement cemented interior orange paint painting panels texture wall walls yellow

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9 0 grade account_circle window archway1B
0 0 grade account_circle upstairs windows1
1 0 grade account_circle shut shutters2
0 0 grade account_circle shut shutters1
1 0 grade account_circle shut shutters3
5 1 grade account_circle House
12 0 grade account_circle curved stairs
12 1 grade account_circle Chateau 1
52 4 grade account_circle Chateau 2
33 1 grade account_circle Wood house
178 3 grade account_circle Yellow Texture
4 0 grade account_circle colourful Chinese architecture
3 0 grade account_circle colourful Chinese architecture
1 0 grade account_circle colourful Chinese architecture
3 0 grade account_circle colourful Chinese architecture
2 1 grade account_circle windows & shutters1
0 0 grade account_circle windows & shutters2
1 0 grade account_circle Street lamp
6 0 grade account_circle mansard window
3 1 grade account_circle Brick buildings
5 0 grade account_circle historic chimney silhouettes
1 0 grade account_circle Church tower
2 0 grade account_circle artificial snowman
42 2 grade account_circle Old house
60 4 grade account_circle Old house
1 0 grade account_circle historical house 2
29 0 grade account_circle Vaux Le Vicomte
50 3 grade account_circle Vaux Le Vicomte
195 4 grade account_circle brown wall texture
109 1 grade account_circle blue wall texture
116 2 grade account_circle cream wall surface
20 1 grade account_circle Vaux Le Vicomte - Statue
120 0 grade account_circle another blue wall texture
2 0 grade account_circle Old Cathedral in the countrysi
2 0 grade account_circle Old Cathedral in the countrysi
7 0 grade account_circle Old Cathedral in the countrysi
1 0 grade account_circle Old Cathedral in the countrysi
1 0 grade account_circle Old Cathedral in the countrysi
3 0 grade account_circle historical house
21 0 grade account_circle thatched roof
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