Accipitridae beak bird Bird of prey falconiformes Natural landscape plant water Bird-of-prey branch diurnal eyesight fast feathered hawk hunt hunter hunting intelligent perch perched predator predatory raptor sharp swift talons vision Australian beaks birds blue Cockatoos corellas demonstrative destructive docile electrical-supply electricity fauna feathers flock garden-pest iconic native Noisy overhead-power-lines perching perching-birds pest pet powerlines powerpoles root-eater show-off sky suburban tail talker vocal white wildlife wires aves aviceda-subcristata banded bands barred-abdomen big-eyes crested crested-baza crested-hawk dark dark-bands distinctive distinctive-underside-bars eyes gray grey grip hooked-beak medium-sized-hawk-species omnivore omnivorous pacific-baza pacific-cuckoo-falcon plumage spiky-crest wings yellow-eyes

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