active alert Australian bird black and white excitable fantail fast fearless insect eater small watchful willy wagtail. wagtail angle balcony balustrade barrier birds cultural dowdy feathered feathers female height high large-bird loud loud-call omnivores peafowl Peahen perched perching perspective phasianidae plumage preen preening protection significant strut strutting symbol symbolic upstairs white Australian-magpie beak black-and-white boy bright-clothing brother caps children close common competition curious enjoyment friendly fun grass grassed-area gymnorhina-tibicen headgear insectivore kids maggie Magpie park picnic picnic-blanket relaxation relaxing scavenging scrounging seated shade shadows sharp sharp-eyed sister sitting sunlight sunshine territorial visited visiting visitor watching wildlife

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11 0 grade account_circle lone small sentinel
1 0 grade account_circle peahens above3
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