anjeer bowl common-fig cut delicate dietary-fiber dietary-fibre dish edible edible-seeds false-fruit fatty-acids ficus ficus-carica fig figs food fresh fruit health-benefits health-food healthy infructescence inverted-flower low-calories moraceae mulberry-family multiple-fruit multiple-seeded open opened perishable polyphenols purple raw ripe seeds slightly-crunchy soft-chewy-texture soft-skinned superfood sweet-fruit vitamin-rich ball brewing chain contained container dried drink drop-in-tea-infuser Dunk dunking fine-mesh grunge grungy half halves hot-water infuser infusing leaves loose-leaf-tea loose-tea-leaves mesh mesh-basket mesh-style-infuser metal paper-fiber paper-fibre perforations porous stainless-steel steep steeping strainer-bag submerge tea tea-bags tea-ball tea-ball-infuser tea-brewing tea-infusion tea-leaves accessory-fruit artocarpus-heterophyllus Asia big bumpy-rind chakka-pazham distinctive-looking elongated fiber fibre flesh fruit-tree green heavy jaca jack-fruit jack-tree jakfruit large magnesium mulberry/fig-family natural-food plumpy potassium produce protein pulp raw-or-cooked rind rough skin staple-food sub-tropical surface surfaces texture textured textures thick tree-fruit tropical tropics vitamin-B6 vitamin-C background brown cloth copy space dark pattern simple weave backdrop baking cooking Dried Food grapes Healthy Eating nutrition organic raisin raisins structure structures sultana sweet

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