flower fruit fruitage orange tree treetop branch food green leaf nature orchard plum purple branches leaves pomegranate trunk april blossom cherry flour garden May plant spring apples autumn fall harvest Nyberg red banana jungle palm pental pentals stalk apple crab England Malus Sussex apple-tree petals pink yellow petal

search result for fruit-tree (446)

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12 1 grade account_circle Flowers of Orange 10
42 1 grade account_circle Plum
4 0 grade account_circle Pomegranate
13 0 grade account_circle Blossom
27 3 grade account_circle Apples
16 2 grade account_circle Banana Flower
13 0 grade account_circle Crab apple
7 0 grade account_circle apple flower
37 1 grade account_circle apple blossom
12 0 grade account_circle Cherry Blossom
10 0 grade account_circle Cherry Blossom
61 1 grade account_circle Seville oranges
16 0 grade account_circle Seville oranges
19 0 grade account_circle Seville oranges
10 0 grade account_circle Seville oranges
27 0 grade account_circle Green mangos 2
51 0 grade account_circle Green mangos 1
5 0 grade account_circle Palm tree
5 0 grade account_circle Apple in snow
5 2 grade account_circle Orange tree
54 1 grade account_circle fig tree
15 2 grade account_circle fig tree
37 4 grade account_circle fig tree
8 0 grade account_circle Apple tree
20 1 grade account_circle apricot tree
19 0 grade account_circle apricot tree
4 0 grade account_circle soon is harvest
10 0 grade account_circle soon is harvest
2 0 grade account_circle soon is harvest
10 1 grade account_circle Fig leaves and fruit
2 0 grade account_circle Young apple tree
15 1 grade account_circle grapefruit on the tree
60 3 grade account_circle Apple
46 0 grade account_circle Apples
24 0 grade account_circle apple
6 1 grade account_circle lipa
11 1 grade account_circle rowan
11 2 grade account_circle rowan
29 3 grade account_circle rowan
44 2 grade account_circle chestnuts
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