anger bloody boy frustrated frustration man mean murderer nasty portrait self selfportrait1 squeeze annoyed Asian chinese exasperated exasperation face guy head portraiture teen teenager hair bite fear fingers hand nails sign and angry black eyes mad mouth scream white yell fishing fishing pole fishing reel fishing rod float gut nylon oops tackle weight bonnet breakdown car delay driver failure France mechanical nostalgia old repairs road spare wheel sports stationary tour touring travel vintage wheels yellow abandoned alone animals attachment bored boredom brown city concept counseling cute death dog dream emotions feelings forgotten friend funny golden help lonely looking loss love lying miss you needed neglected nice parting pavement pets poor protection psychology retriever rights sad sadness sleeping street stress symbol symbolic tired waiting abstract accident arms ashamed assault bereavement bereft blue confusion depression despair domestic violence drama grief grunge hands hands over face heartbreak human rights illness loneliness male mental illness paint poverty prayer prisoner refugee schizophrenia shame shock sickness torture trauma upset victim weeping lines woodcut bullying child crisis female girl hiding kid rejection young

search result for frustrated (17)

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35 1 grade account_circle Self - This Is My Life
84 4 grade account_circle Exasperation
110 0 grade account_circle frustrated
23 0 grade account_circle bited nails
59 1 grade account_circle Scream
26 1 grade account_circle Fishing Tangle
9 0 grade account_circle Car breakdown
53 8 grade account_circle Abandonned
30 4 grade account_circle Victim 5
24 3 grade account_circle Victim 6
61 4 grade account_circle Crying Child 1
80 7 grade account_circle Crying Child 2
297 17 grade account_circle Anger
48 7 grade account_circle Victim 2
294 12 grade account_circle Victim
110 6 grade account_circle Victim 3
14 1 grade account_circle Android Hell
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