angles background be-careful bees beware brown buzzing care caution color colored colors colour coloured colours combs community danger dangerous furry hairy height hexagonal high hive honey honey-combs insects layered layers mass movement nest on-guard pollinators protective risk risks risky safety soldier-bees striped swarm swarming tree tree-hollow wild bees wings advice alert announcement antennae appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour avoid communicating communication concern honey-bees information informing sign signs transparent warning warning-sign active aged aging alone animal beach beachcomber black canine collar colorful colourful companion cool curious dog Ears edge eyes face features footprints friendly fun fur graying greying intelligent man’s best friend mottled nose old paw prints paws pet ripples sand seashore seaweed texture textures tongue walk walking water water’s edge wavelets waves wet Australia Australian-native blooming blooms bright bristly-cottonhead budding buds bush bushland-flowers close-up clumping-perennial cluster conostylis-setigera cotton-head distinctive drought-tolerant flora flowers foliage golden grass green greenery haemodoraceae leaves light native petals plant species stalks stamens stems tufted-perennial-plant vegetation velvety Western-Australian wildflowers yellow actinidia-deliciosa aroma berry Chinese-gooseberry clingstone coloring colouring cultivars delicate drupes edible egg-shaped fibrous-skin firm food fresh fruit healthy jam juicy kernel kiwi-fruit nectarines nutritious peaches pit Prunus prunus-persica red ripe Rosaceae seed skin smooth-skin stone stone-fruit sweet tasty tree-fruit unusual-fruit variety whole circular debris fur balls globular Roots wind-shaped bodgie flower nature pink small tiny. animals bird birds blue feathers great tit little bird tomtit winter azure crochet design electric blue fluffy fuzz fuzzy knitting pattern sky thread woolen

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6 0 grade account_circle wild bees nest & honeycombs3A
4 0 grade account_circle wild bees nest & honeycombs1A
9 1 grade account_circle bee warning
8 1 grade account_circle old beach dog
0 0 grade account_circle yellow cottonhead wildflowers2
2 0 grade account_circle stone fruit tray2
5 0 grade account_circle stone fruit tray1
2 0 grade account_circle furry beach eggs
3 0 grade account_circle tiny pink flowers
31 2 grade account_circle Sweet little tomtit bird
7 1 grade account_circle blue white fur
3 0 grade account_circle orange & whte
5 0 grade account_circle orange & whte
7 0 grade account_circle orange & whte
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