cultivate England english farm garden Great Britain grow hobby nature path peace plant plot quiet rural shadow shingle spring sunlight vegetable wheelbarrow agriculture allotments blooms bright cheerful cultivars diversity flamboyant flowers gardening gardens gladioli horticulture mauve mixed perennials petals pink plants plots red showy summer various vegetables yellow allocated allocations appearances botanical color colored colors colour coloured colours community community gardens community project cover covered covering elements exterior external foliage garden plots gardeners green greenery growing growth light patterns perspectives project protected protective social structures support supportive voluntary volunteers black buildings circle circular-plot clipped cut daylight display edges edging evergreens grass groundcover hedging landscaping leaves levels peaceful pruned pruning rock shade shadows shaped shapes shaping shrubbery shrubs suburban sunshine textures topiary trees trimmed urban variety vegetation earth tools

search result for garden plots (12)

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13 0 grade account_circle Vegetable garden
5 1 grade account_circle Flower and vegetable gardens
37 0 grade account_circle community garden
57 1 grade account_circle community garden
14 1 grade account_circle community garden
38 2 grade account_circle community garden
29 1 grade account_circle community garden
120 3 grade account_circle community garden
21 1 grade account_circle community garden
0 0 grade account_circle topiary garden1A.
17 1 grade account_circle Colorful garden and tools
0 0 grade account_circle patio patch2
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