agriculture background berries berry delicious dessert fresh fruit fruits grape grapes green healthy nature organic plant red ripe strawberries strawberry summer sweet tasty vine wine yummy branch bunch cheese close-up closeup cluster creamy food french grapevine isolated natural raw round white choice wine off-licence red wine sip sip of wine taste tasting to grow wine to saple wine. sampl vinaceous white wine wine tasting winemaker bread slices arbor arbour arch archway botanical botany bush climb creep garden gardening grow growth horticultural horticulture leaf leaves mesh reach screen shade shadow sky sun sunny trellis twist wire abstract adornment angles appearance architectural architectural-adornment building crafted craftsmanship cultural culture decorated decoration decorative depictions design Designs detailed detailed-patterns display distinctive grape-vine heritage historic historical light Motifs ornament ornamental ornamentation pattern perspectives raised sculpted shape shaped shapes style surface surfaces symbolic textures wall wall-decoration grape leaves alcohol ancient arm art artwork Bacchus backdrop carved carving classic classical copy copyspace deity desire Dionysus drink elegance elegant enjoy enjoyment europe face figure figurine fun garland god Greece Greek hand limestone mount myth mythological mythology olympus pan pantheon party partying patina pleasant pose posed religion roman satyr sculpture smile smiling space statue stone texture textured traditional vineculture vines vino vintage wallpaper weathered weirdvis wreath annuals color colorful colour colourful connected cultivar distinctive-red edible-fruit firm flavor flavour glossy herbaceous juicy love-apple mild nightshade-family perennials salad-food savory savoury seed-pods shiny smooth-skinned snack-food Solanaceae solanum-lycopersicum tomato tomatoes truss varieties variety vine-ripened

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15 0 grade account_circle Fresh fruits
22 0 grade account_circle Fresh fruits
62 0 grade account_circle Grapes & Cheese
24 0 grade account_circle wine
75 0 grade account_circle Grapes & Cheese
9 0 grade account_circle vine
16 0 grade account_circle solid vine
13 1 grade account_circle Grapes on the vine
66 4 grade account_circle Bacchus
1 0 grade account_circle cocktail truss tomatoes4
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