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102 1 grade account_circle owl
38 1 grade account_circle face in a window
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108 1 grade account_circle african music
5 0 grade account_circle banana bunch
41 1 grade account_circle horse c.u.
39 1 grade account_circle meeting
9 0 grade account_circle beetle
5 0 grade account_circle weed
15 1 grade account_circle bird of paradise
16 0 grade account_circle cyclamen
21 0 grade account_circle sunset tulip
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14 0 grade account_circle snail
24 0 grade account_circle banana 4
12 0 grade account_circle banana 3
11 0 grade account_circle banana 2
54 2 grade account_circle smiles
11 1 grade account_circle stamen
38 3 grade account_circle cats 2
85 3 grade account_circle cats 1
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74 1 grade account_circle summer
37 2 grade account_circle cat c.u.
21 1 grade account_circle cat with guppies
20 1 grade account_circle india3
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25 1 grade account_circle night in India
38 4 grade account_circle goat
29 0 grade account_circle green
34 1 grade account_circle indian girl
8 0 grade account_circle Painting 2
3 0 grade account_circle Bionics: copied from Octopus
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39 3 grade account_circle flowers
140 5 grade account_circle rosemary
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