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20 0 grade account_circle radiating bauble background
13 0 grade account_circle poinsettia mandala lace
23 0 grade account_circle melon seed mandala
30 1 grade account_circle golden seed circle
9 0 grade account_circle wall flowers tribute
6 0 grade account_circle wall flowers tribute
7 0 grade account_circle wall flowers tribute
13 0 grade account_circle wall flowers tribute
11 0 grade account_circle wall flowers tribute
14 0 grade account_circle basket weave circles
3 0 grade account_circle wall flowers mosaic
26 0 grade account_circle Christmas red mandala
26 0 grade account_circle Christmas green mandala
106 3 grade account_circle Clouds in blue sky 2
49 1 grade account_circle Clouds in blue sky 1
22 0 grade account_circle brown medieval rose burst
17 0 grade account_circle beaded strings - red dots
11 1 grade account_circle pink daisy garden circle
8 0 grade account_circle pink daisy garden circle
24 1 grade account_circle Blue peeled texture with bolts
3 0 grade account_circle rough weathered wall mosaic1
43 1 grade account_circle Bad weather with a ray
16 0 grade account_circle Chest radiograph of a cat
7 0 grade account_circle in the good old days2
0 0 grade account_circle historical editions29
20 0 grade account_circle pathway patterns
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82 0 grade account_circle Oranges
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83 1 grade account_circle Wool
61 1 grade account_circle Sunflower
77 2 grade account_circle crayons
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