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26 0 grade account_circle Grassy Field in PEI
67 2 grade account_circle Writing in the Agenda
14 2 grade account_circle Girl in black clothes - Amazed
8 1 grade account_circle Hydro Tower in Stormy Sky
1 1 grade account_circle Happy New Year
10 2 grade account_circle . . . Pumpkin 3. . .
1 0 grade account_circle . . . Pumpkin 2l. . .
2 0 grade account_circle . . . Pumpkin 2r . . .
3 0 grade account_circle . . . Pumpkin 1. . .
0 0 grade account_circle . . . Oak leaf . . .
0 0 grade account_circle . . . Yellow leaf . . .
1 0 grade account_circle . . . Chestnut leaf . . .
1 1 grade account_circle . . . Maple leaf . . .
0 0 grade account_circle . . . Green leaves . . .
28 2 grade account_circle Broken
2 1 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 004 . . .
6 1 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 000 . . .
1 0 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 005 . . .
3 0 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 002 . . .
3 2 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 010 . . .
1 0 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 012 . . .
4 0 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 011 . . .
5 0 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 009 . . .
1 0 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 008 . . .
2 0 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 007 . . .
2 0 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 003 . . .
17 2 grade account_circle . . . Little spider 001 . . .
6 0 grade account_circle garden
16 1 grade account_circle Bridge in the night
21 0 grade account_circle Bridge in the night
55 1 grade account_circle sailing
27 0 grade account_circle sailing
38 1 grade account_circle ireland
58 3 grade account_circle \"Lucky\" 1
38 4 grade account_circle \"Lucky\" 2
6 0 grade account_circle Old Church
10 0 grade account_circle court 1
4 0 grade account_circle LightsAbove 2
5 0 grade account_circle LightsAbove 1
2 0 grade account_circle A river in Ladek Zdroj
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