butterfly flowers garden gulf coast fritillar heliconian insects montage swallowtail banana bananas fruit fruits tropical tropical fruit yellow yellow bananas App cellular communications electronics iPhone mobile phone smart technology telephone blue gate latch lock paint painted stone wall wooden coast coastline HDR Nyberg ocean sea set sun sunset water Belarus children dive forest nature river splash summer swim cold glacial glacier ice landscape mountain norway scree valley choice decision direction forward path possibility rail railroad track way conical lead many pencils points red sharp sharpened wood writing

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8 0 grade account_circle FlutterBys
9 3 grade account_circle FlutterBys
157 2 grade account_circle bananas
1322 20 grade account_circle iPhone
6 1 grade account_circle Blue gate
0 0 grade account_circle Blue gate
58 3 grade account_circle Sunset - HDR
22 1 grade account_circle Belarusian Summer
15 0 grade account_circle Glacier valley
191 11 grade account_circle Railroad tracks
10 0 grade account_circle Red Pencils 15
27 1 grade account_circle Red Pencils 14
36 0 grade account_circle Red Pencils 1
20 3 grade account_circle White Rooster 2
16 1 grade account_circle White Rooster 2
13 2 grade account_circle Hedge of icicles
13 1 grade account_circle End of Day
23 3 grade account_circle Pink Rosebud on black
2 0 grade account_circle Letter on tree bark
11 0 grade account_circle Path in the park
26 1 grade account_circle Flash in silver umbrella
118 2 grade account_circle Mount Rushmore - South Dakota
8 1 grade account_circle Historic dovecote in Quedlinbu
4 1 grade account_circle Historic dovecote in Quedlinbu
4 0 grade account_circle Historic dovecote in Quedlinbu
18 2 grade account_circle 2 1/2 tons of coal
111 1 grade account_circle Networking
63 0 grade account_circle Networking
638 15 grade account_circle Networking
51 1 grade account_circle Medal
58 0 grade account_circle Medal
56 0 grade account_circle Medal
6 0 grade account_circle Dumplings 1
107 3 grade account_circle Forest Sunburst
23 0 grade account_circle Compass rose
10 0 grade account_circle Turbulent cloud
11 0 grade account_circle Golden Rose
1 0 grade account_circle Fertile Valley
89 4 grade account_circle Forest Sunburst
27 1 grade account_circle Transparent buttons
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