Asian bird black collar with white spots common dove introduced introduced species nuisance spots spotted spotted collar spotted dove spotted turtle-dove streptopelia chinensis widespread wild aggressive alert birds black brown colorful colourful hungry Indian mature mother myna birds Noisy roadside street watchful yellow young plumage ruffled ruffled feathers bulbs bushland-infestation bushland-weed cluster color colour competing cormous-plant delicate flora flower flowering-plant flowers fragile fragrant freesia-alba-x-leichtlinii freesias funnel-shaped garden-plant golden herbaceous introduced-species orange perennial perfumed plant prolific scent scented seed seeder South-African stem streaked strongly-scented weed weeds bushland infestation bushland weed cormous plant flowering plant freesia alba x leichtlinii garden plant South African strongly scented white beautiful beauty droplets drops fragrance rain rain-drops wet background breadcrumbs buff Camouflage camouflaged climate-tolerant common-pest contrast dark ever-expanding populations fauna gray grey house sparrows insect-eaters Matthew 10:29 mottled Old-World-sparrows passer domesticus passerine-birds pest plump powerful-beaks seed-eaters small social sparrow sparrows textures true-sparrows two-a-penny worldwide-distribution brightly-coloured carpeting-plants clump-forming clumps colors colours daisy-like drought-tolerant environmental-weed garden flowers garden-escape gazania gazanias hardy invasive lance-shaped leaves low-growing plants rapid-spreader resilient roadside-weeds tough vivid water-wise wind-blown seeds brightly coloured carpeting plants environmental weed garden escape rapid spreader roadside weeds

search result for introduced-species (42)

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15 1 grade account_circle wild dove
11 1 grade account_circle watch your step
2 0 grade account_circle ruffled feathers
2 0 grade account_circle freesia gold2
21 0 grade account_circle freesia gold
9 0 grade account_circle delicate white
10 0 grade account_circle wet fragrance
9 0 grade account_circle wet fragrance
65 3 grade account_circle watchful sparrow
25 1 grade account_circle gazania gold2
5 0 grade account_circle stitched up
2 1 grade account_circle five sparrows1b4
13 0 grade account_circle hungry sparrow
1 1 grade account_circle bush spring colours13
1 0 grade account_circle bush spring colours14
3 0 grade account_circle breaking thru1
0 0 grade account_circle breaking thru2
0 0 grade account_circle breaking thru4
3 1 grade account_circle gazania sunlight1
3 1 grade account_circle gazania sunlight2
3 1 grade account_circle gazania gold5
1 0 grade account_circle gazania gold3
1 0 grade account_circle gazania gold4
3 0 grade account_circle gazania colour13
6 1 grade account_circle gazania colour14
5 1 grade account_circle gazania colour11
3 0 grade account_circle gazania colour15
2 0 grade account_circle gazania colour9
4 1 grade account_circle gazania colour10
1 0 grade account_circle gazania colour6
4 0 grade account_circle gazania colour7
6 1 grade account_circle gazania colour4
2 0 grade account_circle gazania colour3
4 0 grade account_circle gazania colour1
4 0 grade account_circle gazania colour2
3 0 grade account_circle gazania colour5
18 1 grade account_circle fragrant freesia
0 0 grade account_circle snowbells in the south2
8 1 grade account_circle Common Blackbird
19 1 grade account_circle Common Blackbird
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