animal beetle bronze Cetonia aurata chafer Coleoptera colorful colourful elytra green insect iridescent natural nature Pembrokeshire rose shiny summer umbellifer wales welsh wingcase Australia Australian banded bands beak bill bird colored colors coloured colours curved beak curved bill dusky fauna feeding glossy glossy ibis ibis ibises iridescence iridescent bronze long down-curved bill metallic sheen pair plegadis falcinellus plumage reedy grass shadows sunlight sunshine waders wading bird wildlife abstract alien background concept design embossed fill foil gold gradient graphic hi res high resolution lines metal metallic New original pattern polished style swirl texture tinfoil unique whorls curved-beak curved-bill downcurved-bill farmer's-friend featheed feathers Grasslands insect-eating insectivore insectivorous iridescent-bronze large-waterbird long-down-curved-bill metallic-sheen naked-black-head straw-necked-ibis threskiornis-spinicollis wading-bird water-bird widespread

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3 0 grade account_circle Rose chafer beetle
7 0 grade account_circle glossy ibises2
11 0 grade account_circle glossy ibises1
34 1 grade account_circle Swirly Metallic Background 2
4 2 grade account_circle straw-necked ibis
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