Artocarpus heterophyllus Fanas farm fruit green Jack fruit jackfruit large mulberry family Panasa produce spiny tree vegetable accessory-fruit artocarpus-heterophyllus Asia big bumpy-rind chakka-pazham distinctive-looking elongated fiber fibre flesh food fruit-tree heavy jaca jack-fruit jack-tree jakfruit magnesium moraceae mulberry/fig-family natural-food plumpy potassium protein pulp raw-or-cooked rind ripe rough skin staple-food sub-tropical surface surfaces texture textured textures thick tree-fruit tropical tropics vitamin-B6 vitamin-C abstract all autumn backdrop background black candle dark decoration demon demonic devil devilish eerie eve evil fantasy fly flying fright frightened frightening fun glow glowing grin grinning halloween hallows holiday horrific horror lantern magic night nightmare october orange poster predator pumpkin scary silhouette sky spook spooky strange supernatural swirls tendrils tendrio terrify terrifying treat trick vampire vector weirdvis wicked animal animals bat bats

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29 2 grade account_circle Jackfruit
2 0 grade account_circle jack fruit4
49 1 grade account_circle Jack o'Lantern
172 7 grade account_circle Grinning Jack 2
182 5 grade account_circle Grinning Jack
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