afterlife ancestors ancestral belief beliefs burn burning chinese color colored colorful colors colour coloured colourful colours courtyard culture decoration decorative devotion faith filial filial devotion filial piety gilded gold heat incense joss joss sticks large light odour piety preparation red religion respect responsibility smell smoke smoldering smouldering symbol symbolic symbolism temple traditional worship ash buddhism Buddhist filial-devotion filial-piety gray grey joss-sticks pot religious yellow artistic carved carvings decorated devotees golden people steps worshipers worshippers altars Buddhist Monks Buddhists dark deities design detailed elements features food and drinks fragrance gods Inscriptions lamps lights offerings orange ornamental ornamentation perspectives Saffron shapes shrine Singapore altar Buddhist Monk casket ceremonial ceremony coffin deceased friends marquee relatives bread business shrine covered covering edges patterns pedestrians protected small

search result for joss-sticks (14)

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0 0 grade account_circle giant joss sticks
1 0 grade account_circle giant joss sticks
2 0 grade account_circle giant joss sticks
0 0 grade account_circle smouldering joss sticks1
9 0 grade account_circle holy smoke1
8 0 grade account_circle temple devotion1
5 0 grade account_circle monks in waiting
7 1 grade account_circle paying respect
2 0 grade account_circle paying respect
7 0 grade account_circle small Chinese shrine
7 0 grade account_circle small Chinese shrine
8 0 grade account_circle Chinese business shrine
7 0 grade account_circle Chinese business shrine
10 0 grade account_circle business altar & offerings
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