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14 0 grade account_circle listen carefuly
25 0 grade account_circle listen carefuly
7 0 grade account_circle Digital Audio Recordable MD
29 0 grade account_circle at the mosque
27 0 grade account_circle tent meeting
184 3 grade account_circle tent meeting
61 2 grade account_circle volume key
113 5 grade account_circle seminar audience
122 3 grade account_circle music fan
50 3 grade account_circle Boy listening to music
124 5 grade account_circle Listen to the music
75 1 grade account_circle Listen to the music
90 1 grade account_circle radio
29 1 grade account_circle Mp3
130 2 grade account_circle headphones
14 0 grade account_circle Loudspeaker
32 0 grade account_circle Loudspeaker
18 0 grade account_circle Listening to Music
10 0 grade account_circle Loudspeaker
42 1 grade account_circle Earphones
4 0 grade account_circle Land Iguana
33 0 grade account_circle Headphones
45 0 grade account_circle Headphones
41 0 grade account_circle seminar audience
115 1 grade account_circle seminar audience
119 2 grade account_circle seminar audience
2 0 grade account_circle Park concert
2 0 grade account_circle Park concert
6 0 grade account_circle Park concert
8 0 grade account_circle Ear-loop headphones
106 5 grade account_circle Old Phone
119 0 grade account_circle meeting readiness
132 4 grade account_circle one call
19 1 grade account_circle Radio station
124 2 grade account_circle two calls
10 0 grade account_circle everyone watch me
89 2 grade account_circle Man
75 0 grade account_circle Microphone
143 2 grade account_circle Old Phone
45 1 grade account_circle Radio music
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