calcium carbonate coiled coiled shells crawling exoskeleton eye stalks eyes friction garden snail gastropoda helix aspersa herbivorous land snails locomotion logarithmic spiral mantle mollusk movement mucus muscular foot olfactory organs ommatophores radula retractable retracting ripple rippling shell skin Slime slimy snail spirally tentacles terrestrial snails textured surface unsegmented antique bend boiler britain building countryside dales engine England farmland green holiday landscape locomotive moor moors national north north york moors nostalgia old old-fashioned park photograph rail railroad station railroad station platform railroad track railway rock rural steam steam train toned tourism train trains transportation uk valley vintage yorkshire blue colored decay flotexture joint metal multi plug red rivet riveted row rust single texture violet welded yellow circle engeneering moving steam locomitive. lo technology trafic wheel. wheels. movem

search result for locomotives (127)

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18 0 grade account_circle slow & slippery
110 3 grade account_circle old train and station
26 0 grade account_circle old train and station
38 0 grade account_circle old train and station
31 1 grade account_circle Old locomotive plate
17 0 grade account_circle wheel
8 0 grade account_circle wheel
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